The truth about coming over the top:
We have all heard the phrase "coming over the top" Most of us struggle to try and correct this, but what is OTT and how do we fix it?
OTT happens when the club comes out and over the original plane of the swing in the downswing. This causes the swing path to come from outside in and generally results in a slice or a ball that curves from left to right (for right handers).
So how do you fix it? You have to first find what is causing it before you fix it.
There are a few reasons or "helpers" as I like to call them that help you in coming OTT. For now we are going to focus on the one reason for it and later I will discuss the other issues that help cause OTT. Essentially, OTT is caused by the right shoulder (right handers) In the backswing, the right shoulder moves up and in, but in the downswing, the average player moves the right shoulder out. This in turn causes the arms/hands/club to move out.
The key is to get the right shoulder to move down from the start, not out. Grab a club and go to the top of your golf swing. From the top position, allow your hips the slide towards the target and let the right shoulder dip back and down. You will see how the arms and club come down with it. Go back to the top and simply let the right shoulder turn out. Notice how the arms and club move out. Where your shoulders go, the club goes. I am not suggesting you slide the hips out and dip the shoulder down in the real golf swing. This is only meant to exaggerate the move so you understand the feeling of it and you can ingrain the proper motion.
The images below were scanned from Golf Digest. The person on the left is your average OTT player. The person on the right is PGA tour pro Stuart Appleby.
They are at the same spot in the downswing, yet the two swings look very diffent. Stuart's right shoulder is much more back than the OTT player. Looking at the face view, I have drawn lines to show you where the spine tilt is. You can see that the OTT golfer has none... The right shoulder doesn't come down, it comes out. Stuart's right shoulder has worked down so he maintains spine tilt. This also creates room for the arms to work from the inside. The right shoulder working down allows the arms and hands to stay complete, as a unit and this means the shaft to arm angle is retained. When you look at the OTT player, you can see that he has have lost a lot of shaft to arm angle.